How Much Water Do My Trees Need?
Typically trees need 1-2 inches over the drip line of the tree once or twice a month. If your grass receives regular watering then your tree roots under that area are likely fine. Each watering you should aim to get 2 inches of water over the entire unirrigated root zone. During months where there is less than 2 inches of rainfall but temperatures aren’t regularly above 85 degrees I recommend watering once. If temperatures are over 85 degrees I recommend watering twice.
How Do I Water My Trees?
The best way to water your trees evenly is with an oscillating sprinkler. To measure two inches just put a baking dish somewhere on level ground in the range of the sprinkler and time how long it takes, then you will know approximately how long to water them for.
Watering trees is best done before there is damage caused by drought, as trees will start to absorb all of the remaining water they have stored in fine roots. This causes the fine roots to dry up and die, so even when the tree receives water again it will be unable to absorb it until the fine absorbing roots grow back. I recommend just staying on top of watering by paying attention to whether or not we have had much rain and by checking NOAA. They have a list of rainfall by zip code and that will help you to ensure you are watering enough. Missing one watering or even a month of watering for trees in Colorado is rarely a huge issue, although some trees have greater watering needs than others. Ash trees can survive off of almost no water while other trees like lindens need much more water than they get from the natural rainfall in Colorado. I was recently camping in the Nevada desert. We had been driving for a few hours and hadn’t seen a Joshua tree or even a cactus for at least 100 miles. As we pulled up to our campsite for the night (which was against some mountains) there were 6 large green ash trees that were all about 2 feet in diameter. They had been surviving off of the small amount of rain that ran down the mountains. In contrast to that you can see two Linden trees in front of the Lafayette post office that receive no water and are slowly dying back due to drought stress. You can search online to see how much water your trees need and that will help influence your watering choices, but the general guideline of twice a month during very hot months will be enough for almost all trees planted in Colorado.
More reading on watering from CSU Extension
Kristi M. (Lafayette, CO)